Samson Jaron Putnam

Born 7:54 on March 22nd, 2019
In our home in Logan, UT
At 7lbs 14oz and was 21 inches long

Sammy’s Birth Story

If you know me well, then you know I am a planner and like to be prepared. Afton surprised us and came at 38+4 days so this time I knew I wanted to be prepared by around 37 weeks just in case he came early too. I’m glad I was prepared…cause like clockwork, he came at 38+3. I guess I just have an efficient "oven" and cook em' quick! ;)


The night before Sam was born I was having minor contractions every 7 minutes, but they never progressed in time or intensity. Frustrating, but I knew my body was just preparing for the actual time. After a couple hours the contractions subsided and I was finally able to sleep for the night.

The next day I was determined to get my contractions going again, so I took Afton on a 1-mile walk then spent the afternoon meandering around Walmart. We got home at around 2:30pm and I put Afton down for her nap. Feeling exhausted, I laid down for a nap as well. It was short lived as I woke up at 3:30 with contractions happening every 5 minutes. Jaron thankfully arrived home from work shortly after my contractions started.

At this point I wasn’t sure if it was the real thing because of the contractions I’d had the night before. I shouldn’t have, but I waited about an hour before telling my midwives to head over. They each had 30min-1 hour to drive….

Jaron spent that hour preparing things and filling up the birthing tub while I worked through each contraction.

My labors progress very fast and it wasn’t long after calling my midwives that I felt the need to push. Thankfully they arrived just after I started pushing. And after about an hour of pushing, Sam arrived! <3

It was a very quick, very intense birth! But it was incredible and so empowering! 100% will do it again!


-EVERY part of my birth plan was taken seriously and followed! And there were no unnecessary interventions!

-I never had to be discharged during my recovery, I could stay right where I was and didn’t ever have to leave the comfort of my home.

-I had the option to labor and birth in the tub. Because of a small complication I wasn’t able to have him in the tub, but it was my choice to get out and have him on the bed.

-Sammy was immediately put on my chest after he was born and stayed there for about 30 minutes until I was ready to give him to the midwives to be weighed and measured. They didn’t rush me at all!

-They didn't wipe him down right away. It was part of my birth plan to be able to rub in the vernix (white coating on the baby) into his skin, which has amazing health benefits.

-They delayed cord clamping which allowed all the nutrients to leave the placenta and cord to Sam.

-There were no night time checkings. I hated being woken up every couple hours in the hospital with Afton.

-They visited me in my home for the next 3 days and then a week later to check on Sam and I. It felt like just the right amount of times to be checked on and wasn’t at all overbearing.

-I was able to decorate my birth space how I pleased.

The best part too is that all of these things I mention are standard practice for midwives and a home birth. They never once questioned me and my wishes!

My home birth was incredible and THE BEST birth experience! I will 100% do it again!

With Afton, I didn't have anything go according to my birth plan :/ so it was amazing to get everything I was hoping for with this birth!